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Writer's pictureAva Santiago

Living Unapologetically

Church it is time to wake up. To be unashamed of the Gospel which is the core of our faith. In this day and age it is too easy to live in distractions and be swayed from our mission. Take up your cross and and throw off anything which so easily entangles you.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1

Why do we often shy away from proclaiming the good news of Christ? We will sit praying for an opportunity to share our faith, yet when it comes, we then start to doubt and do not do as we are called, for a number of excuses we make up for ourselves. Church, it is time you pray for a spirit of boldness to then guide you in those instances. So often we look at our mission as optional rather than mandatory, which is quite a shame, considering lives are at stake. Literally, their eternity is on the line.

When it comes to sharing the Gospel, many feel unfit, uncalled, unworthy to; but why? Lack of knowledge? Read the word, grow in it. Lack of confidence? Read the word, allow God's truth to take root within your heart and grow confident in the one who has made you. Lack of ability? Read the word and see for yourself how God uses the least expected person for the task.

Why would we be ashamed to share the Gospel? It is what we are founded on, we cannot be ashamed of the very thing we live for. Think about it, would you learn more and trust the information spoken from a fool unconfident in what they proclaim or rather a person who is bold in what they live for, not backing down to anything short of the truth? The second option, of course.

We are called to live wholeheartedly for the Good News of Christ, to be so founded in it, we cannot and will not be shaken. Meaning, to be confident in something, we have to know it, be familiar with it, stemming from studying the truth, knowing it for ourselves, experiencing it and exemplifying it for others in the way we then live.

Do not be so easily swayed towards paths which go against the truth, but instead allow yours to illuminate the path for others by stewarding your thoughts, actions, and ambitions to reflect that of the Lord.

If we look in Galatians, we see Paul doing exactly this.

"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10

Through his messages, Paul is blunt in his words but does not say sorry for doing so. Instead he is so passionate and bold in the ways of the truth, he is invested in seeing lives turn to God, so he does whatever it takes to not only proclaim the truth but to correct others. He lives an inspiring life for the audience of one solely.

What is there to be afraid of? Persecution, bullying, harsh words? To die is to gain, after all. Count it glory to God in all circumstances, whether you feel joy or pain for proclaiming His good word.

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21

So what are you waiting for? Go out and spread the Gospel not by only your words but actions which speak louder.

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