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Reality Check

Writer's picture: Ava SantiagoAva Santiago

Updated: Jan 21, 2021

Rediscover who you are as a person and your place in society through diving into a reality check discussing standards, identity, and priorities while being empowered in faith by scripture!

We were created to be like Jesus, as he is the perfect example for us to live by, but isn’t it ironic that that is the hardest way to live because of how much the enemy wants us to fail and to steer clear of faith? We were made to glorify God yet because of the ways this world lives, we as Christians are the ones criticized and talked about because the world is not accepting of God or religion. Also, in this world we live in and the way society is we are constantly trying to get the approval of others, which often means being shy about faith, not speaking up, or really even being in a relationship with God because the moment we bring faith into the conversation it’s deemed “uncool,” so we are always self-conscious about who we are which then makes us question our true selves, making it hard to follow the path we’re meant to be on, especially in this generation that is so quick to “cancel” someone based on what they stand for or one wrong move. I don’t remember anyone in history who was perfect except for Jesus Christ Himself !! This society and culture we are raised in is so quick to pick out every little imperfection of others and is extremely judgemental that it creates us to be someone who is self-conscious, lacking confidence, living by the world's standards and not of God's word or His image. We need to throw off these imaginary boundaries and be bold in our TRUE selves !! Who cares what people think? They are not you, it is not their life and we’re only given ONE life so are we going to be helpless and wishing we could be someone like our role models or will we be those models?? Furthermore, how are we supposed to become those genuine examples if we do not spend time in our word or growing in solid foundations as we are constantly thrown off by distractions?

Leading me to my next point... our phones! Phones and technology in general, have so much power over us because we give them that power. Being on our phones or in front of a screen is a large majority of most of our days, as it is such a go-to but it is the thing that is holding us back from so much; so much we could be accomplishing, doing, and overall improving. We let our phones be one of our top priorities but why? It is our biggest distraction, we say, "Just give me five more minutes," "Oh, hold on one second," "I’ll get to it," or, "I’ll do it later," because we are so caught up in what’s going on in our phones we are not actually living our own lives to the fullest! If we started putting our phones down more think of how much progress we could have made, how much we could have done or worked on in our lives! For me, I think of so many things I want to do, things I want to start learning or taking time on again in my day, but do I ever get around to it? No, because I am so busy glued to a screen, I forget what really matters. We spend so much of our time on our phones romanticizing what could’ve been, how things could’ve gone, the ideal life, etc... We even begin to romanticize other people’s lives, wishing we had what they had, comparing ourselves, that we get so wrapped up in the wants of life, we forget what is and don’t even make time to prioritize how we could’ve gotten there and actually work on ourselves to be there. I tend to think of this quote I saw which says, "It could be one day or day one," and that is just so true because it is so easy to put something off and say, "I'll get to it one day," or, "I'll start one day," instead of putting in the effort and making it your day one.

I saw this challenge going around on social media a while ago about this six-month challenge, where you just get rid of all social media, you prioritize working on yourself and just being productive, which made me reevaluate my own habits and focus which actually inspired me to write this. Think about it! If we put away our phones more and let our responsibilities and those around us take precedence in our life, we would be transformed and improved for the good! We would be focusing on ourselves, truly loving ourselves and what we're pursuing while not worrying about these constant bubbles around us of society's standards, society's goals, what they say we "should" be doing, and focus on what we are MEANT to be doing! We wouldn't have these constant comparisons being shoved in our heads, negative thoughts wedging their way into our lens because we won’t have a constant toxic and negative surrounding...

This is where social media has really taken a turn, what happened to the days we didn’t care about what people thought, when we were bold kids who didn’t think twice, we weren’t self-conscious and we were just ourselves?! Social media has become one of the most toxic outlets in our life that influences us in so many ways and strips us of our innocence little by little in sly, guised ways. It turned from posting random silly photos to a popularity contest, the trendy photos, who has the most likes, the most followers... It is all a numbers game and if you don’t have “enough” followers you feel embarrassed and then belittle your own feelings and opinions, starting to question your own beliefs and your true self then is torn from you and your identity is then based off of the crowd, just trying to fit in so you follow the trends, try to get into the “cool” groups, but who is to say that you are not good enough ?? Who is to invalidate your identity, your own self ?? Because when we are so caught up in what others think of us, am I good enough, am I doing enough, will they like me, we start to lose ourselves and just become another blind sheep lost in the crowd of society and where does that get you? What is the point of trying to live up to society’s unrealistic standards, if it’s all just a fake front?? That leaves you broken and if you are not even your own self, then who are you? You don’t even know who you are! Why are we all trying to be someone we’re not because the most significant, memorable people are the ones who are different. The ones who are truly themselves and could care less of what the crowd thinks of them because they have already found their worth, they know themselves, and are loving and living for themselves. They don’t try to be a crowd-pleaser! The people we often look at and are amazed by thinking, "Wow, I want to be them," are the ones who are not like everyone else. They are the ones to break societies' standards, go outside of the box, and be the example to others, which gives us then the confidence and boldness to be our own selves. However, why should we need someone to do what we want to do first, in order to give us the acceptance and gateway to then be different ourselves? We need to be comfortable in our skin first to lead by example and be okay with being different, in order to stop just chasing the crowd, trying to be on top, or just another it girl.

So I am genuinely saying BE THE DIFFERENCE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD! Have courage and confidence in who God made you to be, to then be the person you look at and are amazed by at how unique they are, compared to everyone around them. Learn your value and worth, which is not based on your possessions but on your inside, who you truly are, and what you are founded upon! Be true to you and don’t let anyone steal that away from you! Who is anyone to tell you how to live your life, dress, or act but yourself and God ?? Everyone around you is all in the same boat of trying to find themselves in this world full of shoulds (you should do this, you should have that) and standards that it sometimes takes one person to stand out from the others to inspire many more to make that same step. So be courageous in your actions and be that person someone is looking for as a sign.

Why are we trying to live by the trends anyway? The things that are constantly changing and by no means a stable foundation! Trends are always fluctuating and if you’re just constantly trying to stay on top of "what’s in," and, "what’s new," what and where does that leave you truly?? Because I can imagine a person with a pile of items used once and then dated "last month's trend" sitting, collecting dust, while the person is constantly grabbing out trying to get the latest thing just in and rave all about it !! news flash !! Nobody cares if you got the new phone, the new shoes, the new console! Why does what we own, define who we are?! Because it sure should not and in my book, no one should be judged on what they can afford and what they have. We should be spending more time getting approval from God than those around us, because at the end of the day none of this earthly stuff, the things we long for day after day, will not be going with us to Heaven after we die! So spend time earning heavenly riches than being at a constant, "me, me, me," buying up things that will only rot and be destroyed when we die. Care more about the person you are and the impact you leave on your surroundings than what you’re wearing and if you're stylish, trendy, or popular enough to fit in because outer appearances and the things we own, should not define what is on the inside.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies,"-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," -Matthew 6:19-21

What if society was changed into valuing what is on the inside, instead of bringing children up in the culture of, "me, me, me," entitlement, and money (which is the root of all evil) to be brought up in a firm foundation of truth?? Wouldn't that look different from what we are seeing today, wouldn’t that give better results in generations to come that boosts confidence, generosity, and faith? Why is society the way it is though? I can tell you, it is because our culture has been taken over by evil. From day one in the Garden with Eve, satan took what was good and turned it bad and has been tearing the world apart, creating division, and separation ever since, which is why it is our mission, as Christ-followers, to lead as best we can by a true example leading others to Christ spreading, the truth, creating unity, and saving lives from an eternity in hell to an eternity with our creator, the one true God!!

But seriously, why is our society so judgmental!? How did they get this image of a perfect body and create these standards that are unrealistic to live up to? Why does it turn things that are natural to be looked at as gross, especially with women! As if it is such a crime to have body hair, periods, and acne!! Why are things frowned upon, and looked at as disgusting when it’s only natural?! Is my generation that sensitive to serious topics and subjects that they make jokes out of them and laugh at those matters to ease the tension, uncomfortableness, or awkward feeling, yet they have no problem shaming people and invalidating a person and their opinions when that person doesn't match up with what they think themselves? Our society is so sick and twisted, but it seems like everyone turns a blind eye to what is really going on! They want to think the best of people and find no flaw in someone who lines up to their standards but criticize and point out every mistake in those who have slightly different views than their own! I am so disappointed and tired of seeing this mindset so prevalent in both previous and upcoming generations. We are called to love one another, through their flaws, through their differing opinions!! You did not see Jesus only stay within those who believed He was who He said He was and hating everyone who did not believe in Him! You did not see Him going around bashing those who were not living a Godly lifestyle, but instead healing them, making them followers of His work by transforming and spreading love and truth! He created a ministry and loved every SINGLE person and died for each and every one of us THROUGH our flaws and mistakes! We are not called to hate, fight, and argue with one another, but to love each other! This means accepting everyone’s views but that doesn’t mean you have to agree with them! Accepting and agreeing are two different things, we may not AGREE with everyone but we need to ACCEPT them no matter what because that is what Jesus would do! :)

I pray that through reading this wherever you may be, whoever you are, whatever you are doing, that this had made you think and reevaluate your own self in some way. That it encourages you to be comfortable and confident in your own identity, to spread love and kindness wherever you go in order to build up a society of people who love and accept each and every person just as Jesus did :) God bless!

”Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters," -Colossians 3:23


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Riley Isaacs
Riley Isaacs
Jan 19, 2021

Ahhhh i love this!! 💗


Rachelle Santiago
Rachelle Santiago
Jan 19, 2021

I'm so proud of you, baby girl! I love seeing you grow and develop in the calling I've seen over you for a very long time! May you always be humble in the gift God gave you and always let His words flow through you freely, reaching hearts in this lost world!



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