Church, I feel it is time to be reminded of the urgency in our need to be bold in our faith. It is time, especially in such an hour as this, to truly recognize that we are living in end times.
It is not time to stand around and be quiet in our faith. To allow fellow believers, our morals, nor the word of God to be pushed around any longer. It is time we take up our cross, it is time to go and tell, to truly take up the great commission and go into our worlds, where God has so divinely placed us and be the light in the darkness.
Why do we continue to stand around and let our loved ones be thrown into the fire? Why do we stand around and just watch sin unfold without speaking up to correct others in truth and love? Why do we care so much about what other people think of us, to the point we remain silent in the presence of evil?
No, enough is enough. Look around and just see how sin is being normalized. Evil is simply being thrown into our faces. Children are being raised in a society where sin is normal, and the Bible is looked at as indifferent! No, no, no... we need to remember and live as though the Bible is the only thing normal (because it is), and all else is indifferent. We are living in the end times, Jesus is coming and the church needs to start acting like it!
We need to rise up in boldness to truly stand for what we believe in and preach on. The church is not four walls, but every person who gathers within the walls. Why are we not taking what we are learning into the world around us?
Not one of us is promised tomorrow, Jesus could quite literally come at any second... question is, are we ready? Not only that, but when we stand before God Almighty, on Judgment Day, to give an account for how we spent our time here on Earth, what do we have to say for ourselves? How did we spend our time here on Earth? Were we chasing after the riches of the Earth, trying to glorify ourselves and just so invested in our own lives or were we chasing the lost? Were we being the church and being intentional with our time to save souls for the kingdom of Heaven?
It is not about us, truly. Once we are saved, we need not to worry about how we look, am I doing enough, does Jesus still love me... NO! Our attention should then shift and focus on those around us and how we can reach them. We need to be investing into those around us who do not know Jesus as He equips us to disciple them. Stop worrying so much about yourself and take a look around you, chase after those who are simply walking into the fire. What do you have to lose? We have nothing to lose, genuinely, but all the more to gain in Christ.
WHO CARES IF YOU LOSE SOME RELATIONSHIPS, some following, some friends- for the scripture says, "Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ," (Philippians 3:8). Same is true in all things, in fasting- count all distractions, temptations, as garbage to gain more of Christ- people's opinions when preaching the Gospel as RUBBISH to gain more souls into the kingdom. We truly have nothing to lose because all is found in Christ and He has commissioned us to reach the lost, so if others turn their back that is their loss, may Christ deal with them and seeds be planted for eventual harvest, but you need to be obedient in following how God leads you and calls you to serve. (I'm preaching to myself just as much as whoever is reading this, mind you)
Picture this, if Jesus were to come right at this moment, as we rise into Heaven looking at all left behind- some may be loved ones, friends, acquaintances- what did we do to share the Gospel to them? This is not lives, reputations, influences at stake here, it is ETERNITY! What are we doing to reach the lost?
We need to remember that we are not here to build ourselves up. We are not here to glorify ourselves or make our lives look good. No, we are here because of the grace, mercy, and love Christ had for us. Our goals in life should be that which reflects him and not our own glory. For none of us are where we are today because of our strength but the grace of God who has allowed us to be here and guided us all the way. We are not serving ourselves but God. We are to serve those around us. Do not get so distracted in gaining followers, numbers, a platform, etc that you forget that our goal in life, who God has called us to be and what He has called us to do. So with that, we have nothing to lose since nothing on this Earth matters, but Jesus. Reality check- Who are you living for? What are you living for?
I have been reminded of the urgency that we need to have in chasing after those who do not know Jesus and am stirred to remind those around me. Jesus has met us to then use us to go and reach others, how have we been doing in that aspect? This life is not just time and days we get to let pass by carelessly, but is time we need to use productively. Do not get so caught up in your life you forget the ultimate goal.
-We are a child of God before we are anything else, before any other title (mother/father, teacher, manager, daughter/son, etc) We are members of the Kingdom of Heaven before all else, and so comes our duties to the Lord before all else.
Forgive me, if any of this comes across as harsh, but there is such an urgency to be awoken and truly reach those blinded to the truth. There is such a hunger and desire placed inside of me to see the lost be saved in Christ, whatever it takes so I have such a passion to then tell others about the same issue, in hopes to inspire and awaken fellow believers as I have similarly been enlightened. This is a call to action, to rise up and take a stand against the enemy. This is war, he cannot have my friends, my family nor anymore souls.
"Thousands of souls saved into Heaven is not enough, while one soul entering Hell is too many"
I pray that through this post, you, like me, have been awaken to the urgency in sharing the message of the Gospel as the day when Jesus returns in the clouds with trumpets beautifully sounding His entrance are rapidly approaching. I pray that something within, has been stirred to live differently, to live boldly in Christ and proclaim the truth which has the power to set His children free. My prayer today is that God uses this to plant seeds which take root within each and every soul who reads this, to embolden and empower His people to go into the world and shine ever so brightly the love Jesus has extended to every person; and to never lose sight or focus of the sole purpose we are here on this Earth. May grace and peace forever be with you all, as God continues to go before and stand behind each of you. God bless <3