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Writer: Ava SantiagoAva Santiago

Recently, there has been quite a bit of change in my life, some big, some small, some hard, some exciting; nonetheless, everything bringing me to this point and time in my life. Normally, I am not a fan of change, I tend to stick to a set schedule as I like the comfort found in a routine. Though, what I have noticed is there is not much growth occurring in the monotony of things, unlike that with change. When you get out of your comfort zone there is much transformation that tends to take place as you are in a new atmosphere.

With that, quite a bit in my life has changed. To start, not too long ago I graduated high school! Something I, much like everyone else in the class of 2022, have been working towards our entire lives. My school career now finished. It has opened my eyes to view the world in a way unlike before. All I have ever known is school. Wake up, get ready, go to school, come home, do homework, go to sleep, repeat. Almost 18 years of that, for it now to be finally over. Going to school is now a choice, it is not something I have to do. Now of course, I have my eyes set on university to pursue my passions of ministry, but I see it in a new, unfamiliar, yet intriguing light. There is something about this new chapter, that I feel in my bones is going to be good. And it is exhilarating knowing that this is only the beginning of a life I have forever to live.

Moreover, as that was quite a big change, I had an even more drastic change happen as I relocated across the country with my family. This alone has been quite the process that I have struggled to deal with, but am now seeing the positive perspective of. At first, I was fighting with many emotions, as I was dealing with just graduating and the typical feelings it brings on of wanting to go out with friends, spend the last summer having a blast and being wild. However, God's plans for me are different. This in itself, took a while to cope with as I, being the typical teenager I am, just wanted to have fun, live in the moment and make as many memories this summer as I could.

This isn't quite as possible being that I am exactly 1,912 miles away from my life back home. It does suck sometimes knowing that I can't just go out with my friends whenever I want, even just to get Dutch or give them a hug as they are so far away, but I know that God has a better plan for me than I could imagine for myself and that He has called me away for a purpose. Instead of sitting and moping, dreading the place I am in, as I may have done for the first week of being in a new state, I might as well use the time I have here as best I can.

And trust me, I have A LOT of time now LOL. Much more than I am used to, but in that I feel God unfolding a new lesson within myself and teaching me to just be.

The life out here is much different than what I am used to, however, it is nice. Back in Arizona, I would barely have any downtime. If I wasn't at school, I would be working. If I wasn't working, I would be out with my friends. If I wasn't any of those, I sure would be catching up on my sleep. I didn't have much downtime as I liked to be go, go, go, constantly doing something, staying busy, but here I am learning how to enjoy a new way of life. A way of life, many people probably wish to have, but I was running from.

With a sudden change of pace in my life, I was going insane not knowing what to do. Especially with being out of school, how do people make friends in real life? LOL. But seriously, being in a brand new place, it can be a struggle to make friends, especially if you don't have a job but it should not discourage you to still try. Stay involved in community by getting connected in church, with great, like-minded people! And if not there, even the grocery store, because people sure love to talk here and you just have to learn to adjust in new environments and do things you may not be used to.

With all of this, I am growing in the contentment I feel being here and embarking on the plans God has in store for my family and I. I have come to realize, to enjoy the time I have here with my family, before I am off to college living life with friends and making new memories there. I am learning a lot about myself, life lessons and the wisdom God has been revealing to me.

This I know is a good break, a refreshing one. A chance to come back changed- into a person with clarity and focus on the things of God. An opportunity to grow in my relationship with God as I fall back in love with Him and His beautiful, majestic nature that reflects His perfection. God is truly so good and gracious and I am undeserving of the abundance of blessings He continually pours into my life and to those around me. Glory be to God in all circumstances, the good, the bad, and all that is in-between.

Here is to this thrilling new chapter of life that is just beginning to unfold! :) 🎉

Yours truly,

Ava Santiago


1 Kommentar

29. Juni 2022

My sunshine, you’re amazing.

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